
Feb 11, 2024

1 min read

Hugo Lassiège

About this theme

Mistral is a theme for the blogging platform Bloggrify.

Supported features

📖tagsAdd tags to your posts
📝MarkdownUse markdown to write your posts
📧NewsletterAdd a newsletter subscription form with RssFeedPulse
💬CommentsAdd comments to your posts with Hyvor Talk
📱ResponsiveMobile-friendly design


To install this theme, you should clone this repository and install the dependencies.

git clone git@github.com:bloggrify/demo-mistral.git
cd demo-mistral
npm install

Then you can run the development server on http://localhost:3000 to see the theme in action.

npm run dev

Then, you can remove all contents from the content folder except the index and archives pages and start from scratch and create your own content.


Look at the standard configuration.


To deploy your blog, you should follow the standard deployment guide.
